Wednesday, October 5, 2011

May Prometheus guide these Logical Discussions

The author's person is irrelevant to the discussions and thus there is no need for introductions for one as important as a vagrant at a royal court. What is important in this court of discussion, is the ideas and Logic behind the words and thus it is the Goal of this first post to introduce the origin of the views to transpire over the length of these humble writings to come.

Firstly, as the title of the Blog may suggest, Logic reigns but unfortunately Logic is so abstract a word nowadays that it needs clarification. To the author's humble view, Logic is a largely unemotional, unbias and creates the best situation for the Goal. The word 'Goal' is key, as whether the Goal is indeed admirable in either moral or social senses are irrelevant. It is what creates the best solution that is important.

On that note, if one has not already noticed through the above hints, the author is largely Utilitarian. Simply put, it is a practice of morality that the solution that creates the most 'happiness' is the 'Moral' thing to do. This being said, the discussion of the rights and wrongs of Utilitarianism is wide and expansive and it is not for this first blog post to argue that point. Rather it is to lead the reader into the origins of the writing's core rationale.

Aside from the more admirable ways of thought stated above, the 'Logic' that will come, also has a 'Poker' sense of logic imbedded in them. This post is too short to explain fully the ideas behind it but one has found a book that explains this Logic as it pertains to everyday life very well. DUCY by David Sklansky [DUCY is short for Do (D) You (U) See (C)Why (Y)]. But for a short and wholly inadequate summary of the Poker idea is as follows:
-Poker is a game of incomplete information, as is most problems in life
-The game of Poker is not only mathematically based but also the psychology of the players and self is to be taken into context and thus no one strategy is ever a sure play.
-The end Goal of Poker is profit and sometimes a short term loss or pain is essential to the result of a longer term profit. 
-A good result on the Poker table might not result in a good result off the table. For example, sometimes it is sometimes better to lose monetary value to someone in exchange to gain a friend/ally in life.

It is also the goal of the coming discussions to find solutions to a more narrowed down, concise batch of question. Such as for example instead of trying to discuss a solution to the world's pollution, it would be more of a discussion to solving pollution in a country.

In closing, the goal of these discussions is merely to place thoughts into words and if no one was to read this (As is most likely), it is okay. As one did not do this obviously for popularity. If not one would have gone the Asian Comedy route, as is so prevalent on YouTube. Also, It is worthy to note, that I already have a vast audience in the many personalities in my head which for most part, keeps me most occupied BUT if you happen to read this, the author sincerely thanks you for your time and thoughts. (Bows)

Till next word...

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