Monday, November 30, 2015

Behind the Theme: Julius Caesar's Less known facts (LU54)

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Boardgames, Philosophy, History, Comics, Miniatures, Books, Singapore. See a Keyword you like, give a video on this channel a try.

Today I talk about the theme behind the boardgame Julius Caesar. The less known facts about Caesar and his Civil War and also I want to show how the boardgame really brings out the history of the war in it's thematic gameplay.

Hope your enjoy and till next word...

(All Images are owned by their respective owners and I thank them greatly for their creations.)

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page:

The Simplicity of Logc's Youtube Page:

Monday, November 23, 2015

Review as Read 45: Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

This time I review, Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going by Mr Lee Kuan Yew. This book is the compilation of questions asked to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (First Prime Minister of Singapore) on topics such as Islamic extremism, the gay/lesbian issue, foreign worker's influx and so on. It also comes with a CD which features part of the interview in video. 

Hope you and enjoy and till next word. 

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page:

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube Page:

Monday, November 16, 2015

Behind the Theme: Twilight Struggle's Historical Narratives (LU53)

(Click on the Video above for the linked Video described below)

Boardgames, Philosophy, History, Comics, Miniatures, Books, Singapore. See a Keyword you like, give a video on this channel a try.

Link to (Twilight Struggle) The Moral problems Leader's face Video:

Today I talk about the theme behind the boardgame Twilight Struggle and how it represents in game so well the historical facts of Proxy Wars, Euro centrism/Globalization and how prominent knowledge is to a world leader's success.

Hope your enjoy and till next word...

(All Images are owned by their respective owners and I thank them greatly for their creations.)

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page:

The Simplicity of Logc's Youtube Page:

Monday, November 9, 2015

Behind the Theme: (Twilight Struggle) The Moral problems Leader's face (LU52)

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Boardgames, Philosophy, History, Comics, Miniatures, Books, Singapore. See a Keyword you like, give a video on this channel a try.

Today I talk about the theme behind the boardgame Twilight Struggle and how being a leader is not a easy one when any decision you make will hurt someone but a decision still has to be made. 

Hope your enjoy and till next word...

(All Images are owned by their respective owners and I thank them greatly for their creations.)

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page:

The Simplicity of Logc's Youtube Page:

Monday, November 2, 2015

Ways to solve Kingmaking in Game Design / during Games (LU51)

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Boardgames, Philosophy, History, Comics, Miniatures, Books, Singapore. See a Keyword you like, give a video on this channel a try.

Today we will talk about the ways I feel the Kingmaking situation can be solved or mitigated in the Game design process or during games with either house rules or a continual campaign.

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page:

The Simplicity of Logc's Youtube Page: