Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Review as Read 23: The Death of Superman

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Link to my video on how I use Superman as my Moral inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv5df9ETdYg

This time, I will review DC comics, The Death of Superman.

Hope you enjoy and till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube page: http://youtu.be/ehLKsoMjbmE

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Simplicity of Logic 15: Losing an Argument but Winning in Life with personal examples

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Today's topic is on the idea of how one can truly learn from losing in debates or arguments if one keeps an open mind more on learning than the emphasis on winning for winning's sake.

Till next word...

David H. Cohen's Ted Talk 'For Argument's sake': https://www.ted.com/talks/daniel_h_cohen_for_argument_s_sake

The Simplicity of Logic Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube Page: http://youtu.be/R2JkHkWYcOY

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Level Up Does 15: Kaosball miniatures paint themes and tips (Hulkamania and the MegaPowers Wrestling Group)

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Link to my Kaosball miniatures Album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/88553068@N03/sets/72157644837075190/

This time, I will explain the paint themes of the 4 Kaosball miniatures above from Cool Mini or Not's Kaosball which I have done on commission. Hope you enjoy. 

Till next word...

Link to The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page: http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube Page: http://youtu.be/9hvSUWhdA78

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Review as Read 22: Ravenloft: I,Strahd, The War Against Azalin by P.N. Elrod

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Link to I,Strahd, The Memoirs of a Vampire review video: http://youtu.be/byiv6SnRLXQ

Link to Ravenloft, The Lord of the Necropolis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fo7XYER3wA

This time, I will review Ravenloft: I,Strahd, The War Against Azalin by P.N. Elrod.

Hope you enjoy and till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube page: http://youtu.be/kvKan2ud-kg

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Level Up 29: Using Poker skills to improve your Boardgame plays

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

Link to my personal history in Poker video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWvnbH1yyBw

Link to Mike Caro's Pro Poker Tells Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q3q8zRwukY

In this episode of Level Up, I give my tips on how the skills used in Poker can be helpful to one's play in Boardgames, as in essence Boardgames are played invariably in front of other people. 

Hope you enjoy. Till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic Blog page : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic Youtube page : http://youtu.be/uPkQBewIS7U