Sunday, July 28, 2013

Level Up 09 : Gloom Battles, a narrative/story based war game

(Click on the picture above for the linked video below)

In this episode of Level Up, I explain a variant of the way I play Gloom to mix my love of wargames with narrative story telling. The result is using the Gloom engine but played  to tell the story of a battle with formations, although the objective is more to tell a story than to play a wargame. 

Hope you enjoy and  try it too. Till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic Youtube page :

The Simplicity of Logic Blog page :

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Level Up 08 : Go/Igo/Weiqi Basic Strategy for beginners

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video explained below)

In this episode of Level Up, I explain some basic strategies for the game of Go. This is meant for absolute beginners to help them along and understand the foundations of Go strategy. (1. Corners, 2. Balance of Attack and Defense, 3. Judging your opponents through a situation example)

Hope you enjoy and  try it too. Till next word...

Go Go Igo (How to play Go) :
(The same channel also has the rest of the series which are Go problems to solve and would be more useful after some practical practice.)

The Simplicity of Logic Blog page :

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Level Up 11 : Repainting old toys (Mighty Max) for Mansion of Madness or other Boardgames

(Click on the picture above for the linked Video described below)

Links to Pics of my self painted Boardgame miniatures:

This time in Singapore I explain how my brother found my old Mighty Max figures and I repainted them for the Boardgame, Mansion of Madness as cheap alternative figures. The theme and some back story of each miniature is also explained and one hopes you all will find new uses for those old toys from the 90's or before too.

Till next word...

Link to the video explaination for my fully painted Mansion of Madness set :

Link to The Author's Youtube page :

Monday, July 8, 2013

Level Up 07 : Spartacus the Boardgame played as a Campaign

(Click on the picture above for the linked video above)

In this episode of Level Up, I explain how I play a Spartacus the Boardgame as a campaign. I feel this variant of campaign play makes the game more thematic and adds to the negotiation factor of the game. I do hope this helps the game get played more often as it is a fun game I would like to see around more often. 

Hope you enjoy and  try it too. Till next word...

The link to my Flickr account and the people of my Gladiator miniatures and others painting projects :

The Simplicity of Logic Blog Youtube page :

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Friendship: The sincerity of the "Selfish" self

(Click on the picture above for the video described below)

Today's topic is on the idea that friendship is based on the idea of choosing a person as a friend that makes a difference in one's life and in essence through 'Selfish" means. This applies to both sides and thus a mutual benefit. The benefits being laid on the self to choose be it physical or mental. Thus, the virtue of sincerity, which one argues of friendship is based on the self and not like in most people's mind, the sincerity  of the other. 

This is a old topic that was written in the author's Blog 'The Simplicity of Logic' in 2011 (links provided below). 

Till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic Blog's written article on this subject written in 2011 :

The Simplicty of Logic's Youtube Page: