Sunday, October 21, 2018

3 Tips to keep the passion burning for your miniature painting hobby.

A hobby is like a relationship, it starts like a raging fire, with great enthusiasm that will conquer any obstacle that will prevent you from pursuing said activity or person but I would fathom to say that not many will judge their relationships by the honeymoon period but by how happy they were in the long term. The same theory applies to hobbies too but with less drama...usually.  
For me, my longest serious hobby relationship has been going on since I was 13 in 1995 and its beloved name is Tabletop Games. It all started when I saw a White Dwarf Magazine filled with beautifully painted miniatures by Games Workshop in a bookstore called Kinokuniya in Singapore. 
I was so into the hobby that I even purchased the official painting guide by Games Workshop at the time and like most people who wanted to paint up a literal army of miniatures, I started batch painting, which is basically the ford method of car assembly but applied to painting. For example, painting the red pants on ten miniatures before moving on to another part of the miniatures.
Batch painting is usually no issue at first as learning new techniques and seeing your painting improve is exhilarating in itself but at some point, your skill will plateau and that feeling will become more and more of a rarity. Then batch painting will suddenly feel more like a curse of boredom whose results are compromised paint jobs and long hiatuses from the hobby. 
The above happened to me and it was only after University when I wanted to pick up a paintbrush again and wanting to avoid the issues from before, I decided to change the way I painted with the express goal of enjoying the painting process in the long term.
What are these ways you may ask? Well, these secrets are yours to garner if you will but follow me into the following passages below. 

1. Paint one Miniature at a time

This and the second point are probably the most important changes that have improved my painting experience. This is because the biggest killer of any task is procrastination and procrastination has no better comrade than a task that is daunting. And to any miniature painter this, of course, includes looking at a whole host of unpainted miniatures that needs to be painted. 
The sight of all that unpainted plastic results in a fight or flight response and the rationale that if one is not able to finish the whole project, why bother to start at all. Thus by breaking the project into smaller projects or in my case single miniatures then suddenly one is not hindered by the mental barrier that is procrastination and can get to the important task of putting paint on plastic. 
The painting of a single miniature also has other benefits such as being able to paint at one's own pace unhindered by the sight of other miniatures that are on the painting assembly line. This, of course, will result in not only a more enjoyable painting experience but a higher level of paint job which in my experience. The less stressful method also results in a higher level of experimentation of painting techniques/colours as your experiment only applies to one miniature rather than ten. This experimentation being key to improving and becoming a better painter.

2. Paint one colour daily 

I apply this method on top of painting one miniature at a time but this method can also be applied to batch painting methods too if painting one miniature at a time is too slow for any individual.
This method is more for someone with sporadic amounts of free time rather a set schedule as it breaks downs the painting time in some cases to twenty minutes or less in some cases.
As you improve your painting skill, painting any colour on anything becomes a process of creating gradients of highlights and shades of that colour, the complexity of which is up to the painter to choose. The many steps per colour of course then results in a larger time investment and in the process might lead to quick excuses that can derail a regular painting schedule. Thus by painting one colour, that long task is now reduced to a manageable one that can even be achieved after a day after work and not just during the weekend.

3. Paint consistently and take breaks

It is when one achieves the enjoyment of painting that this part becomes relevant as just like exercise, the goal is to keep it that way and not fall back into bad habits that will hurt you in the long run. This is especially true when you finish painting one miniature to a high satisfaction level and suddenly feel like you can do the same for a group of twenty because painting is fun again! And just like lifting weights, this will just result in pain and a return to the original procrastination issue. 
That is not to say that you should not endeavour to increase the amount if you so wish but my advice is to do so gradually rather than by leaps and bounds. So if things don't turn out as expected, it is an easy return to the fun process.
In fact, for me I tend to take breaks between miniatures that makes me want to paint even more and thus even though I take breaks, I am consistently painting, keeping my skills honed and most importantly enjoying it. 
In conclusion, I guess in a nutshell my advice is to just chill and remember that you are engaging in a hobby and to enjoy the process. Life is filled with enough things that feel like a chore so your hobby should not be one of them. So raise your brushes and let's hope each stroke is followed by a splash of pleasure. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

All Might, A Hero as worth watching as Superman


"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!". Who would have thought that this tagline for the character All Might from the anime My Hero Academia would fills me with as much a sense of excitement and inspiration as when I hear John William’s Superman theme song, and this is as a long time Superman fan.


To backtrack a bit, when I first watched the first episode of My Hero Academia, I thought the year belonged to another anime, One Punch Man. This is because the first episode of My Hero Academia felt like a standard shonen anime about superpowered teenagers saving the world and I did not even intend to continue the series.

It was only a fortuitous situation that found me without anything else to watch during lunch one afternoon that made me click on the 2nd episode. A click that would find me a superhero whose morals would inspire me as much as Superman’s.


Excluding examples like the travesty that is the DC movie 'Man of Steel'. Superman is usually admired not for his superpowers but for his character, unlike the Hulk (Usually popular among bodybuilders for just his muscles and strength). In fact, even in the early years, comic writers for Superman found his limitless powers pretty hard and boring to write for. Thus, other than the invention of Kryptonite and his weakness to magic, Superman stories tended to be about moral decisions he would have to make rather than how many times he needed to punch a villain to submission.


In this, All Might is the same. The ultimate symbol of peace and the number 1 hero in the land. His screen time hardly has him fighting in the series but rather he is usually narrating to the the main character Midoriya on what it is to be a Hero and how to be a fitting vessel for his power ‘All for One’. A power that imbues the bearer with fantastic strength and resilience.


All Might wanting to find a successor to this power altruistically as his own body is too injured to carry on and risk such a great power for peace disappearing forever. Beneath the almost silly parody look of an A-typical American superhero, All Might’s dedication to his moral values regardless of how it hurts him or valid a reason it would be for him to walk away is awe inspiring not unlike Superman in many situations like in the Death of Superman.


On top of that, both characters share the values of being able to learn from their mistakes and themselves be inspired by those around them. For example, Superman near the end of the series called Kingdom Come realizing that he made a mistake in his decision to imprison those who disagreed with him and All Might in his 2nd fight against the Sludge Villain by Midoriya risking his life to save a friend even though Midoriya himself had no superpowers.


All in all, a character’s superpowers is a gimmick that usually wears out like any internet meme but a well developed relatable character whose adventures are driven by his choices rather than the other way around keeps things interesting.

Let’s us all hope they continue the character of All Might as well as they did in the first season or rather end him in a similar fashion. The second season of My Hero Academia was released on March 25th 2017.

Monday, March 27, 2017

A link to my new writings

Rather than post my new writings one by one here, I think I will just update the links to them as a whole. So here they are:

Geek Culture:


Cheers and may they entertain and hopefully something new is learnt.